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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Principles to Live By (Sneak Peak at a Couple Pages of the Upcoming Book-Healthy Living in a Toxic World-excerpt)

·         Embrace 'homesteading', meaning a 'rural mentality' prepared to endure hard economic times and prepared to live with less money and things

·        We don't know what we don't know. I have inadvertently, unwittingly fed my kids all the wrong foods, allowed them to consume sugars, bad carbs, and chemical/preservative filled foods their entire lives. We've used all the worst health and beauty products, drank and eaten from the worst containers. We've blindly, like sheep, accepted all the FDA has approved and consumed it. I have done some things right, however. 

·         Cook primarily from 'scratch', and avoid pre-packaged products.   

·         If it's a plant, eat it. If it was made in a plant-don't eat it.

·         If your food doesn't spoil, it's not fresh and chances are part of it is not even food.

·         80% of the food in the supermarket didn't exist 25 years ago! Shop the perimeter. Before there were stores filled with man-made products, we got our foods from farms, forests, fields!

·         Drink water the majority of the time, and plenty of it.

·         Buy organic when possible, that way you can avoid ingesting the nasty chemicals and pesticides often found on or in non-organic foods.. If not possible, watch the labels and do the best you can.

·         Eat/drink whole foods-rather than fat free, sugar free, or skim products.

·         Eat primarily fruits, veggies, nuts, and grains

·         Follow the 'eat healthy' 80/20% of the time principle.

·         Cancer & infections cannot live in an alkaline body (eat greens, use lemons).

·         Eating healthy is the true “detox diet.” There’s nothing fancy about it, just some dedication and trust in the amazing functions of the human body. 

·         Attend to the underlying emotional issues and trauma that is causing you to turn to food for comfort.

·         Exercise is #1 biochemical way to decrease stress. 4x a week is as effective anti-depressants.

·         Sleep enough. Lack of sleep can increase weight by 2 pounds, overnight!

·         Visualize daily, how it will feel to be healthy and how you will look.

·         Love much-yourself and others. Ditch those who don't love you-your health depends on it. 

·         Live fully.

·         Laugh much-clinically proven to improve immune system and decrease pain.

Friday, October 25, 2013

I've spent the past 8 months preparing to release to you my life-changing discoveries!!! Very soon, this practical 'quick tips and resource guide' will be available in a pocket size print edition, as well as Kindle edition. I will be sharing excerpts here, so stay tuned!!! 

Prolouge-Healthy Living in a Toxic World

I'm a paid content writer, journalist, investigative reporter, researcher. I also author books, and aid others in getting theirs published. However, I did not set out to write a book on the topic of healthy living. I set out on this journey, in search of answers to why my own health was so poor and declining by the month.

Once I began researching for answers to my own issues, I was stunned. Not only have I discovered some of the reasons for my own suffering, but also those of some friends and family members. One by one, I (and they) have begun implementing what I call 'best practices. As I've done so, my symptoms are disappearing and my health is returning! The added bonus is that I am also losing the extra pounds that I have unnecessarily hauled around for years.

Raw foods are a great step toward good health but I’m not suggesting that you go all raw - my research tells me that some nutrients are heightened by cooking, others are reduced, some aren’t changed and there are still a lot of grey areas. Also, there are a lot of really terrific foods that aren’t edible when not cooked – and cooking is fun! So keep in mind that a well-rounded, healthy diet is the best way to ensure that you are nourishing your body with all of the vitamins and minerals that you need.

It is by no means an exhaustive book on the topic. Moreover, I feel that this is only the tip of the iceberg, just a glimpse of the toxic world we are living in and of the toxic 'food' and medicines we have all been consuming, and toxic products we have been using. I readily acknowledge that there are plenty of 'experts' out there, who could and have written books on the topic. I have not found any one source that synthesizes all the data, condenses it, and compiles it into one spot-which a reader can use as a quick reference. This book accomplishes what others haven't. Synthesized. Condensed. Compiled. AHHHH.

I could be selfish and just keep all of this researched information to myself, but I feel it would be wrong to do so. I recognize that not everyone is an accomplished researcher nor does everyone have the time to research and synthesize several hundred sites and books!

Therefore, I am releasing my findings to you, in the most coherent and concise manner possible, in an easy to read and understand format. (Bullets and quick tips)   I may release a more exhaustive book at a later date, but at this point, I want to give you the information so that you may begin to make informed choices, now.

This book contains truth and insight regarding our toxic world and how to stay healthy while living in it. The words contained within this book are applicable to people in every country around the world. It crosses all ethnic and socio-economic barriers and gives bottom line information to the reader. 

Balance is the keyword. I am giving you the factual information, but realize that it would be a gianormous leap for many to go from where you are now to 100% all natural, totally certified organic products and green living. The more urban of an area you live in, the more challenging it is going to be, to live healthy in this toxic world. I am not there yet, and I realize the impossibility of getting to that point in the immediate future. I am, however, sure that I can continue to make changes in that direction. So can you.

Mel Tavares

Thursday, October 3, 2013

I have neglected my blog for a year! I apologize to all of my readers! I've been so busy working on my own books (forthcoming); as well as freelance writing and mentoring up and coming writers, that I have neglected the blog that I started. Again, my apologies.

 I am preparing for re-birthing of my ministry "Return to Eden" and commit to doing a much better job of keeping up with the blogging. Topics will remain the same-all to do with living a simplified, yet abundant life! Please stay tuned.


Mel Tavares
October 2013